Registry of Companies & Intellectual Property
Registering a Business Name

Registering a Business Name

Steps to Getting Your Business Name Registered

  1. Complete and submit the NAME SEARCH FORM in duplicate. These forms are available here at the Registry of Companies & Intellectual Property.
  2. Return to the Registry in a minimum of two (2) days to find out whether your proposed business name was approved.
  3. If the name is approved, the NAME SEARCH FORM can be taken to S.E.D.U. (Small Enterprise Development Unit) at the Ministry of Trade, 4th Floor, Heraldine Rock Building, Waterfront, Castries or an Attorney-at-Law of your choice, where the APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION and a STATUTORY DECLARATION will be prepared.


  • The Statutory Declaration must be signed by a Justice of the Peace and a $2.50 stamp is required on submission of the documents at the Registry.
  • There is a 28-day period (stipulated by law) from the date of commencement of your business within which to register your business name. Please check # 9 of your application to ensure that you are within the stipulated time frame. If you are not, you will require a second statutory declaration from S.E.D.U. or your Attorney.
  1. Submit the Approved Name Search form, the Application and the Statutory Declaration (with the $2.50 stamp) to the Registry Clerk.
  2. A cash slip will be written up for you to pay the REGISTRATION FEE of $125.00 to the Cashier at the Registry. You will receive a receipt from the Cashier.
  3. Return to the Registry within approximately two (2) days (with your receipt) to find out whether your documents where approved.


  • If your documents are not in order you will receive a Query Slip indicating the queries to be addressed. You may have to return to S.E.D.U or your Attorney to get the documents corrected.
  1. If your documents are approved, you will receive a CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION and your filed copies of the Application and Statutory Declaration. Ensure that the information on the Certificate is correct.

Your Business Name Is Now Registered!


2nd Floor Francis Compton Building, 
Castries, Saint Lucia

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