Companies and Intellectual Property (Registry) Act, Cap. 13.02 of the Revised Laws of Saint Lucia. The Office is responsible for the administration of the following legislation:
- Companies Act and Regulations, Cap. 13.01
- Registration of Business Names Act and Rules, Cap 13.03
- Lay-out Designs (Topographies) Integrated Circuits Act, Cap 13.16
- Geographical Indications Act and Regulations, Cap 13.14
- Copyright Act Cap. 13.07
- Industrial Designs Act and Regulations Cap. 13.29
- Protection against Unfair Competition Act Cap. 13.28
- Trademarks Act and Regulations Cap. 13.30
- Patents Act No. 16 of 2001 – the draft Regulations are presently being reviewed for implementation.
The main objectives of the Department are:
- To create efficient administration of company and intellectual property matters.
- To ensure easy access to information filed at the Registry.
- To generate a level of enforcement and awareness of treaties and legislation pertaining to companies and intellectual property; and
- Geographical Indications and Lay-out Designs (Topographies) Integrated Circuits